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Meet Danielle Hendricks, Intern Coordinator

Hi everyone! My name is Danielle, but you can call me Dani. I am born and raised San Diegan and could not get myself to leave America’s Finest City when college came around. I am currently a fourth year student at San Diego State University. In May I will be graduating with my Bachelors in Hospitality and Tourism Management with an emphasis in Meeting and Event Operation and Management. I am am beyond excited to become a part of the events industry and let my passion for events allow others to turn their dream event into a reality.

Here are a few things about me that will help you get to know who I am!

  • I love dogs! Since March I have been spending just about every Saturday morning volunteering at a local adoption event. Being able to help puppies find their forever home is a feeling I will never get tired of.

  • My sophomore year at SDSU I joined Delta Gamma. Being a part of this

sorority has allowed me to grow my network, partake in various volunteering experiences, and be a part of various events put on by the chapter!

  • Ellen DeGeneres is one of my idols. Her mantra “Be Kind to One Another” is something I too live by.

  • I am a part of an association at SDSU called SISSTER (Sororities Invested in Survivor Support, Training, and ending Rape Culture). This is a huge issue in the world and on college campuses. Being a part of an association to educate others on this topic is very important to me.

  • For the past two and a half years I have been working at Islands Restaurant in La Jolla as a Server/Bartender. I love being able to create experiences that bring guests back!

  • My mom always teases me that I should be a San Diego tour guide. I am very familiar with everything San Diego, need it be things to do, places to see, or where to eat I am everyone’s go to person for a SD recommendation.

San Diego Life Events is the perfect place for me to continue to learn and grow within the event industry and I could not be more excited! I am looking forward to all the experience that

is to come and being able to assist with your special event in any way possible!

Blog post by Intern Coordinator Danielle Hendricks, exclusively for San Diego Life Events

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San Diego Life Events and Party Planning

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